Flexi Post 900mm

Flexi Post 900mm

Product Code: 5113

$65.00 + G.S.T.

Description & Benefits

The Flexi‐post is made from very durable PU and EVA material. This makes it extremely impact resistant, gives it long life, is very good in extreme heat and cold (-60°C - +80°C) and most importantly it returns to vertical every time it is run over. 

It comes with reflective bands and requires little maintenance and is easy to install. It can be bolted (recommended) or glued to the asphalt or concrete surface.

Perfect delineation device for busy car parks and warehouses. 

  • 900mm high
  • Bright Orange and NZTA compliant
  • Approved for use on NZ Roads
  • Removal Post 
  • Made from very durable PU and EVA material. 

Price is Excluding GST and Freight. If you have any questions please contacts us on  [email protected]