Variable Message Boards (VMS)

Variable Message Boards (VMS)

The Variable Message Signs (VMS)  by Traffic R Us are Trailer Mounted, Solar Powered Message Boards.
For continuous operation, the energy is stored to maintenance-free Batteries.
These Traffic R Us message boards include local and remote programmable options and have inbuilt satellite GPS tracking.
Our VMS Boards can be used for traffic management on road projects, as a general message boards, or as a large size dynamic electronic advertising sign.
All Traffic R Us VMS models are available in single-colour Amber or 5-Colour LED configuration.

For example, fire authorities can display Fire Danger Rating information on the 5-Colour VMS model.
All models can be used to advertise upcoming events, traffic control management, and can multi-task functionality when installed with the Houston speed radar, displaying vehicle approach speeds and speed specific messages. 


Contact us for more information on this product Price is Excluding GST and Freight. If you have any questions please contacts us on  [email protected] 

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