Bitumend E-Release 20L

Bitumend E-Release 20L

$90.00 + G.S.T.

E-Release is a bio-based, non-toxic eco-friendly asphalt release agent specifically designed for people working with hotmix asphalt. 

This has been developed over many years of trialing and testing to find an alternative to diesel, that was price comparable and just as effective without any of the negatives. Finally we have that product - E-Release.
It acts as lubricant on shovels, pavers, screeds etc and allows the mix to slide off without creating a buildup of bitumen and fines.  

Diesel and other solvent products dissolve the asphalt mat and weaken the mix while soap based products just aren't effective enough. That's where E-Release is different

Companies that are using E-Release have reported that workers and drivers that have been exposed to too much diesel over the years who weren't able to go out on the job because of fear of being exposed to air bourne diesel are able to return. poisoning are back on the job again without breaking out in rashes.

This is an excellent product that provides healthy and cost effective solution for the roading industry. 

It can be used on: Shovels, Rubber Roller Tyres, Screeds, Pavers, Hot Boxes etc.


  • Environmentally friendly
  • Non eco-toxic
  • Water soluble
  • Biodegradable
  • Cost comparable to diesel
  • Less damage to asphalt than diesel
  • No offensive odours
  • Easy to apply
  • Works in all temperatures
  • Non-flammable hydrocarbons
  • Price is Excluding GST and Freight. If you have any questions please contacts us on  [email protected]